Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dear Drunks At 2AM.

I know you consume alcohol because your young and on your own at a college. Mommy and daddy aren't there to watch your every move or tell you what to do. But here's the thing. College is also about preparing you for the real world to come. And I wasn't kidding, your lack of concern for the future worries me. Notice I didn't say "your" future. No, the future of mankind rests with you. You'll inherit it and then again pass it on. Are you at all aware of the power you posses? Of the differences you can make? That you have a responsibility to those who will come after you? I'm not saying don't have fun. But every day of the week watching you fall in the street and screaming at the top of your lungs is excessive and no longer excusable. You are living on campus. Lots of other people have to live with you and in the same building as you. In the real world your neighbors would call the cops on your stupid inconsiderate ass. So don't be surprised when security shows up. I probably called them. You'll thank me some day. That said. I am tired and the screen in my window that looks down on you is not suicide protected. Meaning it opens. Meaning eventually I will find it a good idea to throw something resembling fecal matter at you. Have a nice day. And yes, I totally saw that.