Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Rule Of Driving:

I am just as responsible as the next person for bouts of road rage. I have never gotten on my seat and jumped up and down while driving, but I have swore and said a number of unpleasant things that the other drivers I am yelling at will probably never hear, but if they look in the rear view I am positive they get the idea.

At any rate. My rule: Don't tailgate someone that is going either the speed limit or is already speeding. Stop getting pissed that someone doesn't want to get pulled over by the cops and possibly pay a lot of money because you think where ever you need to be is more important. I try not to tailgate in general for the simple fact that if there is an accident ahead or who I am tailgating stops suddenly, I don't want to also be in an accident. I stay even further back in the winter because of road conditions. In the winter, you tailgate me I will pull over for you for the simple fact that I don't want your douche ass rammed into my trunk. However, you tailgate me during good road conditions while I am going the speed limit or five above, I will go five below. I was late recently to meet my sister because of some guy who was so far up my ass I lost his headlights when I was going five above. I slowed my ass down to five below, a whopping crawl of thirty-five.

Pet Peeve #7: UPDATED

Excuse me, I don't recall that being your business.

So much to cover here, so little... nah, I have the space and I can find the time. Haven't shared a pet peeve in awhile, not for lack of having them though, trust me on that one. You ever have a bit of information involving your life, and someone else thinks it should be their information? I get this a lot. I like to call them vultures, oddly enough this is also what I called all the students that would circle around the fights in high school...

Detour: If you don't know how to fight, don't fight. I only saw two fights in passing where someone actually pulled a punch and didn't start pulling hair or lashing out wildly like they were trying to impersonate one of those lawn ornaments that would run or swing their arms when the wind blew.

Anyway, back on topic. If it is information you are supposed to know or is relevant to you, then someone will tell you. If not, stop running around like some freakishly obsessed smeagol on crack trying to get your nose into other people's business. And guess what, if they don't tell you, maybe it's because you're lose. A lot of the people that want to shove themselves where they are not wanted, get a secret or nugget of knowledge and can't contain it so they spread it around... causing more people to know what isn't their damn business. How bored are you with your life that you have to, not so subtly, budge yourself into someone else's for entertainment purposes. You wonder why people don't tell you things? Look at yourself. Some people have knowledge that is important to them, it's not important to you outside of curiosity, so lay off. It means something to them. Respect that.

Another point that falls into here. This bugs the happiness right out of me. Stop making other peoples fights and qualms your fights and qualms. Because guess what, they are not your fights and qualms. You have no clue what's really going on, I guarantee it. If there is an issue between two people, it's between them, it has nothing to do with you beyond you being a shoulder to whichever person, or both, you happen to be friends with. Sally could be mad at Sara and said something mean to her so now you ride in calling Sally a bitch and other names like you are morally perfect because you don't know, or care to know, that Sally could have just been going through a very hard time in her life, like a death or something, and maybe Sara provoked it just a tiny bit. You. Don't. Know. Shit. This always works in Sara's favor by the way, not to bash poor hypothetical Sara but it is very easy for her to get a 'Woes you, you're perfect, she's a bitch!' support following by just telling the basics of the tale. Manipulative? Possibly, but some people really thrive on the need to be comforted and praised. Why? I don't have a bloody clue. I am going to go with self esteem issues though. Now, I know I am at fault of doing this kind of thing here and there. Note that I often admit that. Sometimes I am just so angry and hurt and tell the bad parts because I want the comfort. However, there are always multiple parts to every situation. Sometimes people just make mistakes or do bad things and that is the part we focus on because it hurt us. By 'us' I mean the person they did that to, not the friend, mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle or store clerk that hears one side of the story. When I tell my friends about something someone did, I don't expect them to go attacking that person, I would tell them off if they did, because unless it's something horribly unforgivable, it's not their place to make the mess bigger for me by trying to save the day. I'm a big girl. Sometimes I wish they would in certain cases, but I don't honestly condone that kind of behavior. You want to be a friend, be an ear, but don't be that prick that only pays attention to what they are told and then jumps on a high horse of camaraderie marching into war, seriously, you make it worse, and you easily become the bully and the ass hole in the end. No, the "I was only supporting a friend" excuse is not valid. This is something I am also at fault for, riding in trying to make a friends day better by attacking someone else when I didn't have all the info, and yes, they didn't deserve it, and yes I felt like a but smear after.

Eventually Sally and Sara will be friends and work it out once Sara lets what Sally was going through sink into her conscious, and Sally apologizes for her outburst. Then you realize too what Sally was going through, because now you are allowed that knowledge, and that Sally might be a pretty cool person, and you are now the bad guy. You can support a friend without jumping the guns. Take them out on the town, stay in and watch a movie, go bowling for all I care. As much as you want to trust your friends, they will omit information or lie, anything to not get a negative reflection on them half the time, especially when they are already upset or angry and are just looking for some support. Use your head.

Messages here:
1. Stop caring so much about what John Doe knows that you don't. It's not your business and it's very disrespectful of someone's feelings to just want to know their business that could be seriously affecting them for your own entertainment. Worry about your life.
2. Think for yourself. Don't judge people based on what others are saying. Don't attack people you don't even know. Make your own decisions on a person based on facts that you, yourself, discover from actually taking the time to know them.
3. You never know the whole story, so stop trying to play a lead role, it's not about you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dear Bloggers,

Please stop making blogs devoted to your newly popped out child. I know you're excited but no one cares to read six paragraphs about how your baby just burped. Wait until they are old enough to say quirky things.

I Try To Browse For Blogs To Read And Keep Getting New Mom Blogs In Droves

STFU, Parents. Via Hannibal

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

In True Thanksgiving Fashion:

What I am thankful for:

I am thankful for my mother who has been my biggest supporter and constant worrier.

I am thankful for my sister who is always there for me even at late hours into early mornings.

I am thankful for my adopted family that have been a constant in my life, believed in me, and let me be myself without judgement.

I am thankful for my friends who have shared their lives, laughter, and tears with me.

I am thankful for Kara's parents, Hannibal's parents, and Suzie Q's mom - For coming out guns-a-blazin' to help me when and where I need it.

I am thankful for my step dad who has made my mother happy and tries his best to be a supporting figure to my sister and I.

I am thankful for Laurie (program director) who believes in me, my abilities, and fights with me to get my ass movin'.

I am thankful for my AAA that has always provided me with friendly service and understanding even when I can't find my AAA card and am sobbing into the phone.

I am thankful for the tow truck guys that have towed my ass sometimes hours and in the dead of night and listened to me ramble on.

I am thankful for my rats that have made my days enjoyable and provided me with companionship.

I am thankful for my laptop that, even in it's older, slower age, is still working.

I am thankful for my car that works on most days and doesn't guzzle gas.

I am thankful for the pepsi company for making Mountain Dew.

I am thankful for the internet and Crimson Moon that gives me a chance to meet and talk with many different people and make new friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!

My mom received an e-mail she had to read to me. I thought it was rather funny and decided to share it after making her e-mail it to me.
Recently I received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. I tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else I could think of to "clean up" the bird's vocabulary.
Finally, I was fed up and I yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. I shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even ruder. So, in desperation I threw up my hands, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute. Fearing that I'd hurt the parrot, I quickly opened the door to the freezer.
The parrot calmly stepped out onto my outstretched arm and said, "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior."
I was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude. As I was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird continued, “May I ask what the turkey did?"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pink... Is Not My Color UPDATE.

I gave it a few. It's growing on me.

I Wrote A Letter Once Upon A Time.

My Child is a 15” Mac Book Pro
In high school, I was labeled the PC killer. I swear it wasn’t my fault, they just couldn’t keep up with me, and for years I was under the impression that there would never be a computer that could. That was until my sophomore year when a teacher of mine brought in his Mac Book Pro. Being curious I asked him if I could use it. To my surprise I could have more than one program running at the same time, and it didn’t freeze! I was determined then that my first laptop would be a Mac, and it was. My parents tried to convince me to buy a PC, but I had my heart set and by my freshman year of college I walked out of my local Apple store with my sleek new Mac Book Pro, a skip in my step, and a wiped out bank account. Actually, it was the first important thing I ever bought myself and in the days that followed it would be nicknamed “The Baby” by my friends and family. The Baby came everywhere with me and any paychecks I received went towards memory cards, cases, cleaner, and cooling fans. In fact, it even had its own small section, with a platform, on my bed and when I went to sleep it went with me. I was very careful and attentive to it. If I thought something was wrong I was at the Apple Store either the same day or the next day having it checked. Unfortunately my happiness was not to last. Within my junior year of college my Mac and I experienced our first kernel panic. I brought it to the Mac store and after two weeks and over three-hundred dollars I had a new hard-drive and all seemed well, until recently. For the second time my hard-drive has crashed, but this time I can’t afford to fix it which I believe brought me very close to heart failure. I love Macs. I think they perform the best, are easy to use, and since I am a visual communications major, Macs are basically the tools of my trade. However, I may need to leave the ranks of the Mac users. I can’t afford to keep having The Baby repaired and I am nowhere near being able to afford a new one. I may have to become a PC user once again. So if you hear about a large chain of PC deaths, it’s probably me. Hi, my name is Amanda Davis and I may be a former Mac user.
I wrote this letter once to the Mac people after my second hard drive crash. I got a letter back stating that they couldn't find my account. Well duh, I have no money to resume my warranty. You sucked it all. So I will give you this simple note built on a mac:
Now you give me a new Macbook Pro and I'll pay you back once I use it to become successful. Kapeesh?

Pink... Is Not My Color.

Pink is not my color. I do not like it. It has never been a color I wake up in the morning and think I don't have enough of, or think will look perfect with my converse shoes. I tolerate pink. Occasionally I even think it's nice in soft proportions on flowers, but my clothes or on me? Not so much. So imagine my unhappiness when I went to dye my hair a red color, after much work with bleach and a highlighting cap, to wash it out and discover... I have pink tinted hair. Yes sir. my hair is a variation of bright ass pink and soft pink happy girly wonder. The kicker is, everyone thinks it looks good. Even better: it's Thanksgiving in a day or so. I have two options available to me here: 1. Fix it with bleach, or 2. Leave it and give my parents a coronary. To stay pink or to become blonde... Choices!
I look like a cranberry.
Yeah, I'mma go blonde.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Letterpress Is My New Favorite.

If anyone ever has the misfortune of being stuck with me forever, I'd so get invitations like these:
MY FAVORITE ONE! It would be the male/female version though. via Bella Figura

SECOND FAV! via Price of Design

Darn You Peace.

A friend of mine inspired me to go through my blog and get to fixing things. I'm in class, and desire food, so I will fix the navbar later, at least it's no longer the default font crap. Yes I was that lazy, so lazy I didn't want to type a simple <.img. src.="..."/.>(minus the periods obviously). But expect changes again since now I want to do my sidebar too. Crap. ;p

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sam Kinison. Now. On The TV!

So, anyone in the New York area that has Comedy Central, there is currently a tribute to the wonderfully in-your-face stand-up comedian Sam Kinison at this very moment. Those of you who are missing it, here is a taste of what you are missing:



"It's desensitizing. If I looking at it long enough, it wont hurt me as much. It wont burn or make my chest feel as though it's caving in. It will still bleed, but I wont have to feel anything but the annoying tickling feeling blood makes when it runs down my arm."
Via Unknown

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fall Into A Lifelong Mutual Weirdness.

I like how this is put far better than any other love story.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Think This Was The First Signs Of A Hair Intervention:

Kara: So I'm wondering what to get you for Christmas/graduation.
Me: 324 dollars
Kara: That's.....a very exact amount....I'm guessing your car?
Me: No, hair extensions.
Kara: I'm not giving you money to add to your hair obsession.
Me: But it's what makes me happy. Why don't you want to make me happy?!
Kara: I do....just with things that you'll get more use out of and will last longer.
Me: They do last! A long time. They clip in.
Kara: Okay, let me rephrase.....something less Jersey Shore.
Me: Don't make this into 'The Situation'.
Kara: Whatever the fuck that means
Me: Sadly, that is a Jersey Shore reference. I cried while typing that.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

My Poor Car, And Body, And Life... Emo What?!

Lots and lots of stress! Not too long from now I will be graduating and there are lots of things to do. Recently, while in my parents driveway my car tire decided it wanted to move in the opposite direction to my car. So, I had to be towed an hour and a half back to college. Luckily it wasn't boring. I have only had to call AAA twice and each time was a bonding experience with a tow guy. This one told me I need to work with animals and that people like me are rare. Poor guy had to listen to me talk his ear off about animals, and my dreams for the future. Unfortunately this means I wont be able to make it to my internship. This means working on a lot of work this week from the confines of my room. Manda is going to be a bed person. But I got a six pack of dew (will last me two days tops).

Sunday, November 07, 2010

I Am Peter Pan.

"If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
Via J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan)

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Block Idiocy Option!

You know how the internet is getting so out of hand lately? Everyone is on it now. No, seriously, everyone, even babies in diapers. They can't read it or understand it, but they can look at the pictures! Yes, you are correct, I am exaggerating, babies is my euphemism for your idiot children. Parents will get into a tiff about video game content (I wont even go there right now), and television content, but you'll let your ten year old use the world wide web like they can't get into trouble there. Heres the facts. Your kids, although I am sure they are saints, don't know what they are doing. They are gullible and will say or do things on the internet that they don't realize could be harmful for them and even you. They do not know the effects of getting online and posting or whatever, they are too young to be on and make good decision. 'But Manda, it's the predators out there! They are at fault!' No. You are. If your kid wasn't running an unsupervised muck on the internet there would be less of a chance that they could be taken advantage of or bullied. Given, predators exist and they suck and all, but they can't get at your kids if you acted like a parent and maybe set some damn restrictions and boundaries, or even sit down and have a talk with them about the dangers of the internet, and oh, I don't know, fucking strangers in general. Look at Jessica Leonhardt, also known as Jessi Slaughter. And eleven year old girl that decided getting on the internet and acting like an angry idiot on youtube of all places was a good idea. She got harassed. Then her dad gets on like so much more angry dumb idiot and starts yelling about the cyber police and junk like everyone on the internet is the bad guy and he isn't a dumb shit that let the eleven year old onto the internet in the first place! Personally, one of my favorite comments her dad made on the news about his angry video debut was: "I was just trying to support my daughter." Support her, yeah, support her into mental instability by one, allowing her online to make these videos and then get on acting like a moron and just fueling the problem. Notice the no regard for what his daughter is wearing... or that she is on the internet being tard. The dad's an idiot... we know why she is...

Here's a clue: be a parent. Sure, you can't control everything your kid does, but you could at least put forth the damn effort. The world isn't going to change and suddenly become a safe place so you can spend more time sitting in front of the television or running around in clothes trying to recapture your youth instead of raising those kids you thought you were responsible enough to pop out.

Also, I don't want to be meeting your damn kids on my online games and chats. Why? Because, like I stated, they can be real idiots. Instead of having a conversation they swear at you, yell at you, and tell information they really shouldn't while trying to act all grown up and experienced. Not to mention you should probably make them take a few more english classes, because their spelling and grammar is terrible. And by terrible I mean often times I think your kids just had a seizure on the keyboard and should probably call 911. I think we need a block idiocy option so I don't have to have a brain cell decrease every time I log on.

This is just my example here, this could be your kids. This could. This could be how they act online. You are giving them free rein on the internet, so how the fuck would you know? Because they are so grown up and responsible? You believe your kids are saints and you've lost them already. You know whose fault it is that your kids screw up? Yours. Take the computer away and let your kids go outside and play a sport, or read a damn book. Your kids could be smart, successful, and safe if you'd just be a parent and actually give a shit. It's 12:58am, do you know where your kids are?

More JPMetz

Thursday, November 04, 2010


I got bored and decided I wanted to do makeup and airbrushing in photoshop. This is my first time doing it. Behold first time results! Something to work on and get good in.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Why So Serious?

"So raise you glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways... We will never be, never be anything but loud and nitty gritty, dirty little freaks."

Monday, November 01, 2010

Call Me Detective.

So I'm listening to Only Girl In The World by Rihanna, yes I like that song and it's message and jazz. Anyway when she sings 'only girl in the world' the second time in the chorus, it sounds like Justin Bieber. Check that shit out.