Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's These Things That I Appreciate.

Me: I should get a sex change.
Batman: Do it. Donate your boobs to science or to playboy. Both would get you top dollar.
Me: True. I think I'd make a great dude.
Batman: You don't have enough penis. One day perhaps you can be a real boy.
Batman: No. You're fucked. You're a goddamn puppet you wanker. Deal with it.

Batman(taking place later after he read this): I'd make a terrible fairy godmother.

Dear Custodians,

So I'm trying to sleep when the custodians come to clean the bathroom of our suite. Which is an awesome service I'm not gonna lie. But they are not quiet about it. They come in and instantly I hear one of the ladies complaining that there is water on the floor from the shower. I'll admit that's my bad. The shower curtain from last year I put up doesn't cover this shower like it did the last one. So water gets on the floor. Not a lot, but enough. I haven't gotten around to changing it back yet. Now I'll tell you what they do when cleaning: they clean the sink area, shower, toilet, and MOP THE FLOOR. That's in caps 'cause I wanted that emphasized, they mop the floor. So here is the custodian lady complaining loudly about the little water on the floor and stuff about us that I chose to ignore. Look, your job, not the greatest job in the world, I know that. I've DONE your job. Yeah, that's right, I've worked in a school being a custodian. Once you've had to clean up the green colored feces of a preschool kid that managed to get EVERYWHERE but the toilet, you wont give two shits about some water on a floor you are going to be mopping anyway.

That said, my roomie made a statement that just made me laugh:
"I'm going to shower with the curtain open. Don't think I wont!"

I'd Rather...

I'd rather be out dancing in the rain right now than listening to it while studying.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Not About The Music: The Later Rant.

I know. I've been down this subject. I have probably beat it like a dead horse. And ya know, I am probably way behind the times when it comes to the whole Charlotte Church decides to objectify herself thing. But I'm really confused with this one. That girl can bloody well sing. Like actually sing. Opera. That's an amazing talent all on it's own. Why does she have to sing pop music with her boobs jiggling out and looking sexy? Why is that needed? And why, oh why, do we as a society find it acceptable? See, I know I rant a lot about quite a few things, but it's not always the fault of those I am ranting about. You know where it went wrong? Us. Us as a society. If we didn't find it acceptable. If sex didn't make us buy more into the entertainment, the need to use sex as a selling strategy wouldn't be necessary. But it is. Sex sells. I mean, I'm perverted. I live on a lower level of the gutter, but that doesn't mean I want to see it everywhere. I do in fact find it very sad that todays role models are people from Jersey Shore and women that run around in skimpy outfits talking like they never picked up a damn book in their lives. And no, by the way, women using what sexual power they have to get ahead is not a good message. That's not a positive outlook on the female figure at all. That we need to use our sex appeal to be successful. I'd be damn insulted if that was the only way people thought I could succeed in life. Because it's not. But we let that message exist, we even help it. I hope that when your daughters are walking around in spandex with things like "juicy" written on there ass and a thong hanging out, while knowing more about sexual positions at the age of 13 than you do, well, I hope you're very proud.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pet Peeve #8

Hookay, so why don't you fix that? I don't like guilt. Thanks.

There are a lot of people that do this. And yes everyone notices and a good portion of the time it makes them feel like crap. What am I talking about? Isolating yourself at group activities. Okay, this is understandable for you very shy people or even just anyone when they are in a new group or environment. Everyone feels uncomfortable sometimes, but no, I am not talking about that. I am talking about isolating yourself in a group of friends or people you called friends. The act itself isn't annoying or upsetting, it's those that a)bitch about it and b)act miserable or make it awkward. Here's what I am talking about. You are with a group of friends or at least people you've known pretty well. Everyone is laughing and talking about random things and events and there is that one person who just sits there and makes everyone else feel bad because you aren't babying them by making sure they are included since for some reason or another they don't want to just bust in with their own random drivel. Or you are with a few friends and you are all hanging out and you pull your teeth just to include one person at the risk of your own good time and they can't seem to find anything not miserable to say. I understand bad days, bad times in general, and the need to be absolutely miserable. I really do. But I usually do my best to suck it up and not ruin people's nights on a mass scale. Why do I have to feel guilty because you want to sit there and be awkward and miserable? Why is that my fault? You're an adult, you can contribute or start a conversation, or here's an idea: say "I feel awkward," "I don't know what to say," or "I feel left out." If they are your friends I am sure they will understand and try to help or find common ground. It's better than you sitting there acting like the giant victim of a fixable situation. No one is a mind reader, no one can fix what's wrong in the flow if you don't tell them anything. Who wants to approach miserable and awkward?

There is also one other annoyance in the mix that goes with this. Those friends that you invite somewhere and they say 'no'. But it's not just 'no'. It a miserable, upset, and angry 'no'. Why is this annoying? Because here you are trying to have fun and now they are going to realize that they were just an ass and start insisting that you go anyway. So you go. And you have a lot less fun because now you feel like crap because you can picture your friend alone and miserable and you're a good friend so you worry. There goes your night too. Oh joy. Why is it someone else's job to chase after you and your bad day? We be adults. You have a problem? How 'bout you say so or suck it up?

Now, I get that I do these things too. I do. I'll admit it. But I try not to make other people feel like crap because I do, in fact, recognize that it's probably me.

Well, Aint That Nifty!

Dear Evolution,

You're kidding right?

The Platypus

Dear Drunks At 2AM.

I know you consume alcohol because your young and on your own at a college. Mommy and daddy aren't there to watch your every move or tell you what to do. But here's the thing. College is also about preparing you for the real world to come. And I wasn't kidding, your lack of concern for the future worries me. Notice I didn't say "your" future. No, the future of mankind rests with you. You'll inherit it and then again pass it on. Are you at all aware of the power you posses? Of the differences you can make? That you have a responsibility to those who will come after you? I'm not saying don't have fun. But every day of the week watching you fall in the street and screaming at the top of your lungs is excessive and no longer excusable. You are living on campus. Lots of other people have to live with you and in the same building as you. In the real world your neighbors would call the cops on your stupid inconsiderate ass. So don't be surprised when security shows up. I probably called them. You'll thank me some day. That said. I am tired and the screen in my window that looks down on you is not suicide protected. Meaning it opens. Meaning eventually I will find it a good idea to throw something resembling fecal matter at you. Have a nice day. And yes, I totally saw that.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I Miss Writing And Crying And Dreaming.

So lets run away. Lets pull together the money we have. I have a full tank of gas. Lets drive until our eyes are bloodshot and the lines get fuzzy. Where ever we are, we'll sit and stare up at the stars and talk like it's the last talk we'll ever have. And be lonely and unhappy together. You'll never love me, and that's okay because I've decided to never love again and we'll both be messed up. We'll never be okay, and that's okay.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

So, You Kinda Made My Day, Because You Get Me.

I was having a conversation via messaging with a group of friends of mine dubbed The Posse. We have been friends for years now and known each other since middle school. The core members have never changed and they will continue to be my important friends for the rest of my life. One of the things I enjoy most is this: They listen to what I have to say. They accept the fact that I am an out there individual that has some weird mental quirks, but they don't treat me like the idiot either. I tend to play the idiot because the people I care about need to laugh, but somewhere along the line they forget I actually do have important things to say about the world and society. That I do indeed have substance in my views and I'm not actually just talking out my ass. The Posse has also read some of my longer rants on here because they care about my views and like to talk about them. Hannibal, she was one that said a rant of mine was like poetry to her and then we talked about it in depth. Anyway, this made my day:

Me: "We had a somewhat similar discussion in my Protest and Propaganda class about kids having kids and I couldn't resist forming a conversation about how the education has decreased. That the smart people are smart enough not to have kids until they are in a good place where as dumb people are popping them out like candy. And it will only continue to get worse because todays parents are already so young. They are not responsible enough to raise kids because they are still in the mentality that they want to be different from their parents, a.k.a. they want to be their kids friends and let them run around because they themselves hate being disciplined by their parents. They are still too young to process that the boundaries placed on them are beneficial to their development. So the cycle will just continue because whether they grow up and become functional members of society they were still raised a certain way and will most likely spread that to their kids. Because they don't know the difference."

Hannibal: " are just so damn smart and articulate. We need to get you a syndicated TV show where you can just rant for an hour or two...I find there is very little you say that isn't something of real substance, especially on important topics."

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Advice From Me To You.

The best way to absolutely know what you should do, or where you should be, is to do all the wrong things all the wrong ways first.