Friday, August 06, 2010

It's How You Stay A Good Person...To Yourself.

A rant! Fabulous right? Well this little tid bit is about our wonderful networking site facebook. Less creepy and narcissistic than Twitter, but still special. I don't think it's right that employers or potential employers get to have access to your facebook to spy on you. I think that is a little on the extreme in violation of privacy. Why not just park outside our houses and watch us? I bet if you read the diaries or private musings of already hired people you'd find a reason to fire just about all of them. Private life and work shouldn't interact that much. I could be a giant party goer on the weekends but be a hard as hell worker during the week, how the hell would you know? You don't, you are speculating and now back at square one. I prefer the interview and hire for a trial period method. That way who gives a shit that Johnny so and so hates Marsha from retail or is atheist and made a post about hating his parents, if he can do his job let him freakin' do it then. Besides, just because you spy like a creeper on facebook doesn't mean you know a person. Why? Well, darlings, it's because you still don't know why. Why would Johnny hate Marsha or his parents? Maybe there is a good reason.

But that's not really where I wanted to go here. Where I wanted to go was people and their need to gossip and facebook statuses. Now I know we all get into funks and maybe make a status on facebook we shouldn't directed at someone we happen to also be friends with on facebook. It happens. But if someone posts a status about work or someone where the hell do you get off running around telling everyone including people you shouldn't? Seriously, you like gossip that much? And I really hate the excuse 'well if they didn't want everyone to know, then they shouldn't have put it on facebook'. No. Just no. That's like saying 'If they didn't want me to read their diary, they wouldn't have left it on their bed'. If they didn't want everyone to know they wouldn't put it on a public blog like this. When you put it on facebook you are just telling the people you friended on facebook, you know, unless you really don't care and didn't put privacy settings up, then that really is your bad. When you friend or accept a friend request I think there is a certain level of responsibility you are taking on. Like not spreading shit all over the place and getting people in trouble. And hey, you want to be a giant gossip queen, so be it. But don't go around using that stupid and lame excuse 'they put it on facebook'. I know no one really likes taking responsibility for their actions, but come on. If you can't admit you are doing something wrong, have to make excuses, and lie about it, maybe you shouldn't be doing it.

Facebook is becoming one more place we have to hide parts of ourselves and how we feel. It's ridiculous that people can't just be themselves without getting flack from people who really shouldn't be so concerned about how someone else wants to live their lives.