I am just as responsible as the next person for bouts of road rage. I have never gotten on my seat and jumped up and down while driving, but I have swore and said a number of unpleasant things that the other drivers I am yelling at will probably never hear, but if they look in the rear view I am positive they get the idea.
At any rate. My rule: Don't tailgate someone that is going either the speed limit or is already speeding. Stop getting pissed that someone doesn't want to get pulled over by the cops and possibly pay a lot of money because you think where ever you need to be is more important. I try not to tailgate in general for the simple fact that if there is an accident ahead or who I am tailgating stops suddenly, I don't want to also be in an accident. I stay even further back in the winter because of road conditions. In the winter, you tailgate me I will pull over for you for the simple fact that I don't want your douche ass rammed into my trunk. However, you tailgate me during good road conditions while I am going the speed limit or five above, I will go five below. I was late recently to meet my sister because of some guy who was so far up my ass I lost his headlights when I was going five above. I slowed my ass down to five below, a whopping crawl of thirty-five.