My Child is a 15” Mac Book ProIn high school, I was labeled the PC killer. I swear it wasn’t my fault, they just couldn’t keep up with me, and for years I was under the impression that there would never be a computer that could. That was until my sophomore year when a teacher of mine brought in his Mac Book Pro. Being curious I asked him if I could use it. To my surprise I could have more than one program running at the same time, and it didn’t freeze! I was determined then that my first laptop would be a Mac, and it was. My parents tried to convince me to buy a PC, but I had my heart set and by my freshman year of college I walked out of my local Apple store with my sleek new Mac Book Pro, a skip in my step, and a wiped out bank account. Actually, it was the first important thing I ever bought myself and in the days that followed it would be nicknamed “The Baby” by my friends and family. The Baby came everywhere with me and any paychecks I received went towards memory cards, cases, cleaner, and cooling fans. In fact, it even had its own small section, with a platform, on my bed and when I went to sleep it went with me. I was very careful and attentive to it. If I thought something was wrong I was at the Apple Store either the same day or the next day having it checked. Unfortunately my happiness was not to last. Within my junior year of college my Mac and I experienced our first kernel panic. I brought it to the Mac store and after two weeks and over three-hundred dollars I had a new hard-drive and all seemed well, until recently. For the second time my hard-drive has crashed, but this time I can’t afford to fix it which I believe brought me very close to heart failure. I love Macs. I think they perform the best, are easy to use, and since I am a visual communications major, Macs are basically the tools of my trade. However, I may need to leave the ranks of the Mac users. I can’t afford to keep having The Baby repaired and I am nowhere near being able to afford a new one. I may have to become a PC user once again. So if you hear about a large chain of PC deaths, it’s probably me. Hi, my name is Amanda Davis and I may be a former Mac user.
I wrote this letter once to the Mac people after my second hard drive crash. I got a letter back stating that they couldn't find my account. Well duh, I have no money to resume my warranty. You sucked it all. So I will give you this simple note built on a mac:

Now you give me a new Macbook Pro and I'll pay you back once I use it to become successful. Kapeesh?