Lots and lots of stress! Not too long from now I will be graduating and there are lots of things to do. Recently, while in my parents driveway my car tire decided it wanted to move in the opposite direction to my car. So, I had to be towed an hour and a half back to college. Luckily it wasn't boring. I have only had to call AAA twice and each time was a bonding experience with a tow guy. This one told me I need to work with animals and that people like me are rare. Poor guy had to listen to me talk his ear off about animals, and my dreams for the future. Unfortunately this means I wont be able to make it to my internship. This means working on a lot of work this week from the confines of my room. Manda is going to be a bed person. But I got a six pack of dew (will last me two days tops).