You know how the internet is getting so out of hand lately? Everyone is on it now. No, seriously, everyone, even babies in diapers. They can't read it or understand it, but they can look at the pictures! Yes, you are correct, I am exaggerating, babies is my euphemism for your idiot children. Parents will get into a tiff about video game content (I wont even go there right now), and television content, but you'll let your ten year old use the world wide web like they can't get into trouble there. Heres the facts. Your kids, although I am sure they are saints, don't know what they are doing. They are gullible and will say or do things on the internet that they don't realize could be harmful for them and even you. They do not know the effects of getting online and posting or whatever, they are too young to be on and make good decision. 'But Manda, it's the predators out there! They are at fault!' No. You are. If your kid wasn't running an unsupervised muck on the internet there would be less of a chance that they could be taken advantage of or bullied. Given, predators exist and they suck and all, but they can't get at your kids if you acted like a parent and maybe set some damn restrictions and boundaries, or even sit down and have a talk with them about the dangers of the internet, and oh, I don't know, fucking strangers in general. Look at Jessica Leonhardt, also known as Jessi Slaughter. And eleven year old girl that decided getting on the internet and acting like an angry idiot on youtube of all places was a good idea. She got harassed. Then her dad gets on like so much more angry dumb idiot and starts yelling about the cyber police and junk like everyone on the internet is the bad guy and he isn't a dumb shit that let the eleven year old onto the internet in the first place! Personally, one of my favorite comments her dad made on the news about his angry video debut was: "I was just trying to support my daughter." Support her, yeah, support her into mental instability by one, allowing her online to make these videos and then get on acting like a moron and just fueling the problem. Notice the no regard for what his daughter is wearing... or that she is on the internet being tard. The dad's an idiot... we know why she is...
Here's a clue: be a parent. Sure, you can't control everything your kid does, but you could at least put forth the damn effort. The world isn't going to change and suddenly become a safe place so you can spend more time sitting in front of the television or running around in clothes trying to recapture your youth instead of raising those kids you thought you were responsible enough to pop out.
Also, I don't want to be meeting your damn kids on my online games and chats. Why? Because, like I stated, they can be real idiots. Instead of having a conversation they swear at you, yell at you, and tell information they really shouldn't while trying to act all grown up and experienced. Not to mention you should probably make them take a few more english classes, because their spelling and grammar is terrible. And by terrible I mean often times I think your kids just had a seizure on the keyboard and should probably call 911. I think we need a block idiocy option so I don't have to have a brain cell decrease every time I log on.
This is just my example here, this could be your kids. This could. This could be how they act online. You are giving them free rein on the internet, so how the fuck would you know? Because they are so grown up and responsible? You believe your kids are saints and you've lost them already. You know whose fault it is that your kids screw up? Yours. Take the computer away and let your kids go outside and play a sport, or read a damn book. Your kids could be smart, successful, and safe if you'd just be a parent and actually give a shit. It's 12:58am, do you know where your kids are?