Exposed? Now lets back track. Once upon a time a pop artist's fame was dwindling, I wish I could say in exchange for better music but a lot of obnoxious rap and party music was still going on, unfortunately, no, I don't care what you think, it's unfortunate. Seriously...okay I'll move on. Then came I'mma Slave For You by Britney Spears, then Dirty by Christina Aguilera. Both videos an attempt to sell their bodies and be the object of lust for some guys that would rather bang them than love them. Both videos have the girls looking extra glisteny (this is not a real word) and in need of a shower. Also they are surrounded by men and being, well, dirty sluts. Ooo, that's why the name was Dirty Christi. You should do one together, call it Dirty Slave For You that way you cover a larger range of fantasies. Unfortunately, you already did the drastic sex appeal thing. No one cares. Note that I am going to call her Christi, typing her name out is just about as much a pain as saying it. So now it's copying for Christi. I saw the video for Not Myself Tonight, I watched it the whole way through while resisting the urge to not shove things in my ears and eyes like some people say, but to find something less painful and cry in the corner. Yeah, like I want that to be the last thing I see an hear. Now Christi, what's with the weird outfits and the framing the eye with your fingers, and just basically the whole taking shit from other pop artists shit? I'll admit that Gaga can be compared a bit to Madonna. But I hate to tell you all and ruin your wonderful gossip and need to bitch about the latest scandal, or even your weird and creepy feeling of camaraderie with your favorite music artists that leads you to defend them and rage against anyone that 'might' be copying them because you think they are in all things and if somethings popular it must have come from them...okay, I'm loosing my track here. But you see what I mean, stop it. You are never meeting these people, you're not special, and maybe their music touched you, and in Christi and Britney's case sometimes you touched yourself TO their music, but it's not really about them, or at least it isn't supposed to be. Anyway, Gaga and Madonna. Yes, they can be compared, but I don't care who you are, Gaga takes that shit way beyond Madonna. Like whole new level. I have never really watched a Madonna video or performance and wanted desperately to pick her brain like she was Hannibal Lector. Gaga, she's all her own. She has a style that may be influenced, if you think no idea is ever thought by more than one person anyway, but it's all her own. And Christi, Christi, Christi, when I see you in the bleach blonde hair, tan, and bright ass lip stick, I don't think Gaga like others might, I don't even think hot or sexy. I think trashy and Barbie. There you go, Barbie is trashy. See what I did there?
I'm going to listen to my music because the lyrics mean something to me or the tune hits me right, not because of who the artists is. Like my mother who stopped listening to the Dixie Chicks because they bashed Bush. Still good music, Take Me Away didn't change just because something resembling an actual opinion, one that some share thank you, came out of the mouth who sang it. I'm sure if Charles Manson started a band and it had good lyrics I'd listen to it, but lets be real, it's Charles Manson, he'd try subliminal messages. The point is, like music for whatever reasons you use to pick your music, stop being a publicity obsessed mindless mass that bases their likes and dislikes by online blogs and entertainment TV. I still hate Not Myself Tonight, and even though I hate Christi I will still bust a move or sing along to some of your classics. P.S. Britney, I don't like you but I am happy for you that you are no longer a druggy psycho. Kudos to Radar.

ZOMG!! Christi looks more trashy than Barbie...I have to go to the bathroom, my outlook on life has just been changed...