Okay Queen Shiva, calm the fuck down.

I would really like to know where this privileged attitude people have comes from. So, I was going through the drive through at McDonald's and they had a new girl on window. There was a lot of orders coming in so it was hard to switch her out without problems, besides a lot of managers like to crash course newer employees since they have to get used to the stress, and once you are able to function under the frustrations of rush hour you can function any time. But that doesn't mean you don't get overwhelmed and mess up. Believe it or not food service, cashiers, and many other people who work in jobs you think are mindless and easy have a lot to deal with and a lot they have to know. Anyway, they screwed up my order. The new girl looked crushed and kept apologizing like crazy and so did her manager. When I smiled and said it was okay, I was met with disbelief. And that pissed me off.
Here's the deal. I am newly exposed to working at a gas station. Sounds easy? No, no it's not. You have to know register, this entails knowing all the numbers for the produce and drinks that don't scan, knowing the functions for the food service section, knowing gas functions, kerosene functions, the lottery machine and how that works with the register, knowing all the forms of tobacco and where to find them, knowing what to do for companies that get special deals for working with us, knowing what to do when a co-worker uses their gift card, or when a customer uses a coffee card. All this while making food to go in the food case, timing the food so it's always fresh, stocking the coffee and timing that and the creamer so that's fresh while starting food for lunch, taking out the trash and cleaning up after customers. It is not easy. Then you have rush hour, pissy attitude customers, and people that get miffed when you follow the tobacco and alcohol laws by asking for their IDs because you don't want to get arrested or loose your job. I think you waiting an extra thirty seconds or so for someone to ID you so they don't suffer problems far worse than your lost time is understanding. Yes, they work in the service industry, no they don't get paid enough for you to forget how to be a decent person and act like a giant ass hole. I guarantee you that you have made mistakes many times and even been new at a job.
Here's the thing, no matter what job you have it is all for the sake of money and supporting ones self or family, to treat people that don't have some nice cushy job and office like shit for trying to live in a society that is run on money makes you a snobby stuck up piece of shit. Harsh? Well so are the people that get angry at the worker who can't get angry back or defend themselves because they would loose their jobs or get in big trouble. Does it make you feel big? Because it makes you look like a small minded idiot. Stop treating people like shit when you come in wearing sweatpants and people can smell you from the other side of the store. You're not privileged, you're a spoiled brat throwing a fit over things that are a waste of your energy and everyone else's time.