I always wonder why the people around me get up in the morning, how they smile and laugh without faking it. How they say sometimes, the things they really mean to say, do the things they want to do. Take the risks they they don't want to just to get to what they do want. Why take those chances. I was never good at the idea of falling, because I was never sure that someone would reach out and stop my fall. Does anyone else feel like that? That they are just falling down, and maybe you don't want to be saved, but you want someone to reach out, grab your hand and delay that fall before you find the ground and you can no longer see out. You want someone to grab out and see right through you, wade through the crap that is your life because your worth something. Because maybe if they think your worth something, you can start to think it to. Or maybe, it's just the act of grabbing you, the act of risking that you may pull them down too. I can't grow wings. But for the first time in a long time I feel like doing something completely crazy, I feel like living instead of existing. I feel. I want to say what I'm thinking and mean what I say, I want to jump.