Well, I am currently trapped in the A&D building at my college working on some much needed work for our upcoming senior show. Now, let me explain something, long time exposure to the A&D building has an interesting effect on us VCs (Visual Communications majors) in other words: we go nuts. So far, two of my classmates printed out face masks of characters from Family Guy and got on Chat Roulette. Then Batman came down and all hell broke loose. I feel the need to explain this first: I have been playing Robot Unicorn Attack on games.adultswim.com. This is a game with an interestingly aggravating song that will get stuck in your head. To be funny I sent the song to Batman and he was not pleased. His revenge? He came into the A&D, and started playing the song on the big lab sound system. Hardy har har Batman. Now, you must be wondering why I didn't turn it off, simple, I am far too lazy. Which Batman also knew and pointed out was part of his plan. He then exposed me to this: