Well, I am currently trapped in the A&D building at my college working on some much needed work for our upcoming senior show. Now, let me explain something, long time exposure to the A&D building has an interesting effect on us VCs (Visual Communications majors) in other words: we go nuts. So far, two of my classmates printed out face masks of characters from Family Guy and got on Chat Roulette. Then Batman came down and all hell broke loose. I feel the need to explain this first: I have been playing Robot Unicorn Attack on games.adultswim.com. This is a game with an interestingly aggravating song that will get stuck in your head. To be funny I sent the song to Batman and he was not pleased. His revenge? He came into the A&D, and started playing the song on the big lab sound system. Hardy har har Batman. Now, you must be wondering why I didn't turn it off, simple, I am far too lazy. Which Batman also knew and pointed out was part of his plan. He then exposed me to this:
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
My Life, The Television Show.
Recently, Roomie C and I have decided our lives should be a TV show like Big Bang Theory or How I Met Your Mother. Why? Well, you know all those one liners and conversations you think can't happen in real life? They are the daily routine here. Some dialog that happened this week alone:
Me: FINAL FANTASY!! (done in a creepy demonic voice)
-On our future water gun fight we are planning
Roomie C: Our shower is trying to evolve into a bath now.
Me: FINAL FANTASY!! (done in a creepy demonic voice)
Batman: I'm sorry we made you go into the sunlight today...
-On our future water gun fight we are planning
Roomie C: I feel like we'd all be having fun and going 'pew pew, haha, I got you!' and you'd fly out from the bushes, do a flip and kill us all.
Me: I would be so awesome! I'd be like one of those cool characters. You'd all want to do me!
Roomie C: That would be a problem...because we're DEAD!
Me: You're right, and I'm not into necrophilia.
Roomie C: Really, you're not a necrophiliac...you, out of all the things that's where you draw the line? Really? You have no problem date raping me, but necrophilia your like 'noooo'?
Batman: What are you buying?
Me: The Swan Princess!
Batman: (Gives me a 'Seriously' look)
Me: Shut up! Deep down I am a princess and a little girl.
Batman: How deep down are we talking?
Me: I should start asking you for relationship advice. CHANGE MY LIFE WITH YOUR WISDOM!
Batman: Don't do drugs, unless, you do them together.
Roomie C: Our shower is trying to evolve into a bath now.
Me: What?!
Roomie C: The drains clogged...we have a bathtub now.
Me: Take out the drain cover? Clean it?
Roomie C: ewwwwwwwww
Me: I have a feeling I will be doing it...
Roomie C: Probably
Me: You make me feel like a man.
Roomie C: Ur not?! Damn it...
Me: I am sorry, I don't have a penis for you.
Roomie C: That's it, this relationships over.
Me: Nooo! I CAN GROW ONE!!!
Roomie C: Too late...this relationship has been founded on nothing but lies!
Me: I feel like our lives should be a manga.
Batman: It'd be cooler if it was a hentai.
Me: Agreed. Not a lewd one though, no one is sticking a candlestick up any of my orifices.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
What My Mother Taught Me.
Tell the truth even when it'll get you into trouble. If you have to lie or hide something than you obviously shouldn't be doing it. No matter what people may think about your choices or if they will be disappointed, make them, just so long as you keep moving forward and are happy, that's what matters. Think things through calmly before acting. Try to see from the point of view of those around you. Don't have hate for those who have wronged you, it's a waste of your energy and they're not worth it. If you wake up in the morning and think 'this will be a good day' then it will be a good day. If you work hard people really will notice and you'll be rewarded in the long run. It doesn't cost anything to be nice. It's okay to try new things at least once, just don't turn the bad ones into a lifestyle. Don't dwell on the bad things, don't obsess, sometimes things aren't as bad as you make them out to be. And finally, have more faith in those that really love you.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Back In The Day.
Back in high school my posse and I watched this video all the time.
Thought I'd share the laughs.
Lawn Chair Throne Sitter.
I hate arrogance. Not normal arrogance that goes along with an ego that you have earned, but the over-the-top arrogance. The arrogance that when they walk into a room everyone instantly feels like these people think they are better than everyone else in it. The arrogance that spawns childish ideas and arguments like "my friends are better than your friends" and so on. Ignoring the flies in the ointment just because you think you have less of them than everyone else is really rather sad. I am not going to cure cancer. I am fairly sure none of my friends are going to cure cancer, but that doesn't make me think less of them, and it never will. Belittling others based on their life choices has very little standing as an educated decision and more of a close minded one (in some cases). Just because people think differently about their lives and what to do with them shouldn't be such a big deal to those who are not them. I could be a scientist, if I wanted to. I could be a doctor, if I wanted to. I could have gone to a very popular college, if I wanted to. There are a number of people that didn't even go to college, a number of people that were ordinary workers that you will read about in history because they had a hand in shaping the world. Are you going to belittle them? Or, because they made history are their choices and background automatically exempt from your calculations? But at the end of the day I am where I need to be and I wont be made to feel bad about it or of a lesser caliber and neither should anyone else. Don't let anyone make you feel like you have to jump through rings in order to be considered because people who think like that are not worth the effort. What's important is that you know you're something, and that you are happy. Life isn't a battle of who is better it's a battle of living, everyday, of getting up in the morning and being able to smile even for a little while.
Your throne is a lawn chair, and no matter how you decorate it, it's frame is the same as your neighbor's.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Intermission And A Good Thing.

Found here: Rock & Ruler Pillow
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Yes, I Am One Of Those.
First of all, yes I love Star Trek and no, it wasn't because of the movie. Watching Star Trek with my older sister when I was younger is a very happy past time. That said, I freakin' want these!

Can be found here: Star Trek Starfleet Academy Spork
Perpetual Kid Supports Your Violence.

Product comes in black or white and can be found here: The Ex-Pen Holder
Thursday, March 18, 2010
What I Will Be Put In When I Die.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Everybody's Irish!
Hello my Irish lovelies! Today is St. Patty's Day! This for me means drunken debauchery. Of course, my original plan wasn't to drink until the middle of my night class (yeah, I have a juice bottle for this occasion). However, a friend of mine brought in a flask full of Jameson to my morning and afternoon classes. So, that plan was thrown to hell. Currently I'm drinking hot cocoa with irish cream along with my roomies. I think this is what heaven tastes like. I still can't find my license even though I cleaned my room. But I will get into that bar at any cost dammit! So, may you drink a plenty, sing a many, and get into some bar fights, because as the Boondock Saints would say: it's Saint Patty's Day, everyone's Irish on St. Patty's Day!" And I'll tell you about the night, or at least the parts I'll remember...
If you're not wearing green today...you should be kicked in the nads.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Something Funny This Way Comes.

From: http://xkcd.com/
We Have Become Luigi, Followers Of A Short Italian.
So, Roomie C and Roomie A went shopping for our St. Patty's Day prep. I was in class at a point when my teacher was doing a bit of a lecture, therefore escape was not recommended. Besides bringing me the glorious Panera I asked for they had also bought me a hat to match them. It's a nice simple green hat. Upon receiving it, I feel like luigi. I kinda, maybe, sorta, like love this hat. Now I must go stomp on turtles and help an italian plumber try and find the friggin' castle his pink princess is in!

This Is My Not Class.
So, I am currently in Not Class. I call it Not Class because nothing productive ever really comes out of it. We all spend most of our time on the computer, not working, but fiddling. I am on here, blogging. Prime example. So this is dubbed Not Class. Here is one of the things I found in Not Class that made my day:
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Bed I Want To Grow Old And Die In.

I was wandering around at one point in time and found this, er, it is also possible someone sent it to me. Basically, I want it. I have no place of my own to put it, but I'd murder the family of a nice sized house for a place to put this bed. You see, I love the forest, it's one of my favorite places to be and has been since I was very young.
It can from here: http://www.slmetalworks.com/beds_a.html
All Joking Aside...
My names Amanda, most call me Manda, but I'm working on making people call me Andy as a nickname. No, that is not going well. I am thwarted by the everyday, habit formed order of things. I'm a senior in college and currently a Visual Communications major. Well Andy (see what I did there) what is a VC major? Well, basically, I do computer related art. Except in-depth web design, html causes my eyes to bleed and my brain to shout in protest. I love the fine arts and working with my hands (you may take that last part anyway you like). Apparently I am also a pervert...
My Roomie The Kidder.
Roomie C: You abandoned us on our quest! You are shunned!
Me: But I did post a blog! It was a test blog!
Roomie C: Oh wow, you posted a blog, a five year old could have figured that out.
This is what happens when my roomies and I get together in the common room and have a blog party...
Yeah, I get sarcasm.
Basically it has become a blog project today. We have projects. Most recent before this being a giant fort made in our common room, with a tea party and disney movies. Best idea ever.
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