If you can't guess who this is about, think college loans. It'll come to you. That's the name I gave them in my phone. I am sort of in-rage with them. Not their fault really, it's mine, just like any other person that seeks a higher education and decides to take out loans. That's right, it's your fault. Now don't start getting all angry and going off on a tangent while sitting at your computer reading this. You didn't HAVE to get an education. Let's be honest here. You didn't have to attempt to better yourself. The government and all the other hard working citizens of the world would have paid for you to sit at home on your ass with your 4.5 kids while eating the junk food you bought with your EBT and drinking the booze and smoking the cigarettes you got with your welfare money. You could be better off without even trying.
Fooled you a little bit there didn't I? Thought I was going to start ranting about loan companies, but I didn't. Predictable? Totally not. Don't get me wrong here, they deserve a rant... or many, and I promise to at least make a post about some of the things I have said to whomever was the unfortunate representative to answer my call, but it wont be this post.
I've noticed something about society over my time as a college graduate and as a cashier: society is dumb. You tell people that if they want to truly succeed they need a higher education, so they get it, and then they can't find decent jobs to pay back their loans and what makes this worse is that half the time they can't even find something related to their field they acquired these loans studying. Most companies tell them they need more experience but no company will give them the experience. Meanwhile, you have kids getting their GED, covered in expensive tattoos, popping out kids left and right and living off portions of the hard earned money that those higher education students are getting for working jobs they hate. I've had people with EBT come into my old store with their nails done, driving cars better than mine, and get pissed off that they couldn't buy a monster on their EBT. So they use the cash on their EBT to get cigarettes and then hand me a hundred dollar bill for gas. Excuse me? Sometimes I can't afford to feed myself and you're telling me that I can be doing better in life if I didn't work nine days straight, sometimes doubles, or get an excellent graphic design education? Dumb.
More to come latter on this subject...