Friday, October 08, 2010
Sometimes That's All You Need.
Recently I got an internship for graphic design, at a pretty good company(I aint tellin'). I was really nervous since I am technically a small town girl and this place is legit, meaning intimidating. But this school year has already been pretty eventful. I have decided that I absolutely love what I do. I knew I loved it, I mean, it's something I am good at and work at, but I love it so much that I was in that company and even though I was nervous and overwhelmed I felt like I should be there. I just knew for absolute certainty that this is what I want to do. And my program director at college told me she wasn't surprised. She said she knew I'd do a good job and wouldn't let her down and that that was were I should be. Which made me extremely giddy happy. It's good when people believe in you, it makes you want to live up to it.