Some things you should do with a shopping cart:

Put it on the front of your bike. Hey dude, you have a nice space to put your shit or even your friends. Occasional dead body included.

Turn it into a bike...a rather uncomfortable looking bike, but still a damn bike.
(asian not included)

Be a hobo, live out of it.

Turn it into a vehicle and pimp it out with lights.

Turn it into a chair.

Use it for upper body exercise by lifting yourself trying to impress those MILFs.
What NOT to do with a shopping cart:

Leave it in the fucking parking lot to take up parking spaces or hit and scrape cars because you are too damn lazy and inconsiderate to walk the few feet it takes to put it away in those convenient shopping cart collector areas, that no, are not there for looks. Little old ladies are not included, I'll put the damn cart away for you. Everyone else, I will ram it into your car or blatantly get out of my car and start saying ass hole comments loudly while making a show of putting it away for you. No seriously, I will, there is a reason my mom doesn't go grocery shopping with me.